For a long time, I have wanted to turn a microphone on and record conversations with people that inspire me. Something happens when a microphone is present that makes conversation intentional and sets it apart from the regular daily chatter of our lives. Join me as I engage in conversations with people that light me up!
Fear & Trust with Sarah Straight
There are people in my life that light me up. Sarah Straight is my sister and partner-in-crime for all the creative things I find myself involved with. She inspires me to make beautiful works of art. The primary theme of this conversation is how the journey of the creative process reflects the journey we go through in life.
Sunday Tea Time with Becca Mae
There are people in my life that light me up. This first chat is with the number one igniter of my life, Becca Mae. She is my life partner and mother to our two extraordinary humans.
Interstitial music written and recorded by David Straight
DavED is mixed and mastered by Nolan Gray. Follow his work @IndigoSound.Studio on Instagram and online